Redemptorist Saints


(Tiếng Việt)


St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, CSsR

(27 September 1696 – 1 August 1787)

  • Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.
  • He was beatified on 15 September 1816 by Pope Pius VII.
  • He was canonized on 1839 by Pope Gregory XVI. 
  • He was Proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX in 1871.
  • He was named patron of confessors and moral theologians by Pope Pius XII on 26 April 1950.
  • His Feast Day:  August 1st 
  • He is one of the most widely read Catholic authors.



St Gerard Majella, CSsR

(April 6, 1726 – October 16, 1755)

  • He was beatified on January 29, 1893, by Pope Leo XIII.
  • He was canonized on December 11, 1904, by Pope Saint Pius X.
  • His Feast Day: October 16th
  • His intercession is sought for children, unborn children, women in childbirth, mothers, expectant mothers, motherhood and falsely accused people.



st-clement-hofbauer St. Clement Hofbauer, CSsR

(December 26, 1751 – March 15, 1820)

  • He was beatified on January 29, 1888, by Pope Leo XIII.
  • He was canonized on May 20, 1909, by Pope Pius X.
  • His Feast Day: March 15th
  • Through the charisms of spiritual direction, preaching, confession, and works of charity, he converted and helped people of every social class. Hofbauer’s activity influenced the Congress of Vienna and the culture of the time, especially the Romantic Movement.


stjohnneumann St. John Neumann, CSsR 

(March 28, 1811 – January 5, 1860)

  • He was beatified on October 13, 1963, by Pope Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council.
  • He was canonized on June 19, 1977, By Pope Paul VI.
  • His feast days: January 5th
  • As a bishop of Philadelphia he worked hard for the establishment of parish schools and for the erection of many parishes for the numerous immigrants.