Our Mission



stalphonsus-early (Tiếng  Việt)

1. The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, founded by Saint Alphonsus, is a clerical missionary religious Institute of pontifical right, enjoying the privilege of exemption, and having members belonging to various rites. 

“Its MISSION is to follow the example of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, by preaching the word of God to the poor, as he declared of himself: ‘He sent me to preach the Good News to the poor’.”

In this way the Congregation shares the mandate given to the Church, which, since it is the universal sacrament of salvation, is missionary of its very nature. It does so by responding with missionary thrust to the pressing pastoral needs of the most abandoned, especially the poor, and by devoting itself entirely to evangelization. The Redemptorist Congregation truly follows the example of Christ in the apostolic life, which comprises at one and the same time a life specially dedicated to God and a life of missionary work.

2. In carrying out its mission in the Church the Congregation unites members who live together and form one missionary body. These dedicate themselves to God by profession, and so devote themselves to their mission as a living unit, each contributing through the ministry that belongs to him.

All Redemptorists, urged on by the apostolic spirit, and imbued with the zeal of their founder, continue the tradition developed by their confreres in the past, and are ever attentive to the signs of the times.

“Sent as helpers, companions and ministers of Jesus Christ in the great work of redemption:”

to preach the word of salvation to the poor, they build up an apostolic community, specially dedicated to the Lord, sustained by adequate formation, and by suitable forms of government.